"The body is the primary mode of perceiving scale."

While on vacation in Dubai this past summer, I got to see these amazing works of art that 
man made and put there. Everywhere you would turn it would be "The Worlds Largest" this or that. Telling us that everything is bigger than the rest of the world. From that view on the 
ground it all did look pretty big, but once I got up in to the sky it all looked small and 
the same as the rest of the building we see on the daily in the rest of the world. 


"Capacity of objects to serve as traces of authentic experiences. "

This one was a little though to figure out, but once i realized it it was much easier. 
Even though I owned this Jeep here for more than, 3 years already and had 
a lot of experiences with it before, this day will never be forgotton. This image
right here shows the first time ever that i took the car off-roading here in the
States and my first time ever off-roading in general. It was something that i had been 
waiting to do for so long, but had finaly had the opportunity to do it, and I
can say, thatit was one authentic experince that will not be forgotten. 




Back home on the island in the Caribbean, we have a lot of farms that depend on the rain 
in order to grow their plants to cultivate for food. But by living in the southern part 
of the Caribbean, we haven't been this lucky lately on getting a single rai drop on the island. However, here in the states it has been raining more often than im used too, but never at 
a single point, until Hurricane Irma, that I stood still and realized as to how much 
we value the rain water. This is one memory that will never find a way to fade away. 


"Nostalgia can not be sustained without loss."

Sometimes we don't realize what we have until we lose it all or move away from it in this case. 
This image was taken a few month right before I moved to the United States to 
attend College, and it now reminds me of the good times of being back 
home and how much I loved the blue ocean that surrounded our island. 


"To have a souvenir of the exotic is to possess both a specimen and a trophy."

I was hoping so much that i could have taken him back home with me to the states 
and made him my house pet. It was very interesting to learn and experience the
 life of the camel and all that they can do, the one thing i can say they are a 
prety cool animal. Experiences that could never be taken away. 


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